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Men’s Pan Am Championships Update: News and Notes from USA’s Tom Fitzgerald

The following are some brief notes that I’ve edited from an email I recently received from Tom Fitzgerald.

USA-Mexico Match: Tom indicated that Team USA had an extremely poor shooting performance with several shots hitting the post. With 1:52 remaining in the match the US was actually down 28-24. A foul on a wing shot resulted in a penalty goal and a two minute penalty. The US then repeatedly stopped Mexico on defense and rattled off 3 straight points in the time remaining. As described this is a remarkable comeback which salvaged the USA’s prospects.

USA-Puerto Rico Match: The US led the whole game and at one time pulled ahead 20-12. Puerto Rico got within 3 goals at the end and the US also had the luxury of getting some inexperienced players more playing time.

USA-Argentina: The USA was outmatched vs. an Agentina squad with 9 players playing in Europe and 2 in Brazil. As the outcome of the match was somewhat meaningless, the US started some of it younger player to get some of the starters some rest. At one time the score was whittled down to 22-15, but Argentina finished strong and ended up winning 38-20

USA-Brazil: No illusions here and Tom indicated that this will be a tough match for the US. The Brazilian has been training for the past 10 months and has a roster full of professional players.

USA-Greenland: This likely showdown for 3rd place should be interesting. The US and Greenland played a friendly match last Sunday and the US pulled out a 31-25 victory. In was during this match, however, that John Kelly, who had been playing very well for the US got hurt.

Player Performances: Tom indicated that Danny Caparelli and Gary Hines are playing exceptionally well and that Troy Steffen and Divine Jackson have been pleasant surprises. To win the match against Greenland they will definitely need some of the younger players to play well.

Coach Martinez: Tom noted that from his perspective Coach Martinez has been a good teacher and that the team is responding well to

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