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US Victory Over Puerto Rico (Automatic English Translation)

From the Brazilian Federation Website:

Translation was done using Babel Fish:


The United States had had work to win Rich Port in the first game of the second round of the Championship Pan-American of Masculine Adult Handebol. Placar was closed in 28 the 25 (10 the 8 in the first time). This was the first victory of the Americans in the competition. After that, Chile defeated Uruguay, for 27 the 26 (16 the 11). Brazil enters in squares this night against Greenland, to 20h, while, at this moment, Argentina faces Mexico, in the game that started to 18hs. Rich port started better and with more speed. To the few, the team of the United States if made right in the attack and passed to the front. In second time, the American team grew still more and went off in placar. Still with a reaction sketched for the Puerto Ricans, the teams of the North America guaranteed the victory. The American shipowner Tone Fitzgerald praised the performance of the adversary. "It is a fast team very young e. They run very and kick fort. In second time, our teams changed the game and, as they were tired, us we obtain the advantage." Chile made a game with sped up rhythm and was to the front in placar for almost all the confrontation. Exactly fighting, Uruguay did not obtain to pierce the Chilean blockade and lost many balls. Almost in the end of the departure, the climate esquentou when Uruguay leaned in the marker, but Chile obtained to remain itself in the front and closed the confrontation. "It was a very satisfactory departure. We could have strained more placar. Tomorrow, we wait to earn of Brazil ", commented the technician of the Chilean team, Rodrigo Bown. United States: Danny, Milan (2), Jeff (1), Tone (4), Gil (3), Gary (5) and Troy (8), beyond Muris (4), Divine (1) and Mark. Rich Port: Rafael, Omar, Isael (2), Joseph (2), Juan Cepeda (8), Freddie and Hector (3), beyond Dennis (3), Rafael Cepeda (1), Alberto (5), Jose (1) and Elvis. Chile: René, Landmark (5), Patrician (6), Emil (9), Philip Maurin (5), Guillermo (2) and Nicolas, beyond Alfredo, Landmarks, Jimmy, Fields, Rodrigo, Pablo and Philip Miholovic. Uruguay: Sebastian, Javier (2), Pablo Mounts (2), Diego (3), Pablo Marrochi (8), Maximiliano (3) and Expensive Pablo, beyond Mario, Gonzalo (1), Sebastian Noveri, Diego Viscava (4), Cristian, Gabriel (2), Hermann (1) and Nicolas.

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