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Asian Olympic Qualification Replay (Romania Agrees to Host, but AHF Rejects Tournament)

The Romanian Handball Federation has agree to host the replay of both the Men’s and Women’s Asian Olympic Qualification tournaments. The tournaments are to be held from 28 January to 3 February. The Women will play in Bucharest and the Men will play in Oradea. Meanwhile, the Asian Handball Federation (AHF) Executive Committee met on Saturday and reportedly rejected the IHF’s request to reschedule the tournament, apparently maintaining that there were no problems with the original tournaments. There has, as yet, been no official press release from the IHF regarding this apparent stand-off.

At the center of the controversy is AHF President, Kuwait Shiekh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah. In addition to his AHF Presidency he is also the President of the Asian Olympic overarching body, the Olympic Council of Asia and is one of the 115 members of the IOC.

Wikipedia article on Shiekh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah: article:

Korea Times:

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