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Home Depot drops Olympic sponsorhip. Opts for NASCAR

Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympic Games looks bleaker.
The global economic woes continue to rear its ugly faces in all the wrong places.
With funding for the London Olympics already in trouble, the US can ill afford losing a sponsor of Home Depot's ilk, while still in the running for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Spain and Brasil have to like their chances even more [link=]now.[/link]

On a related note today, President Elect Barack Obama, warned that a "[link=
]bad situation could become dramatically worse[/link]".

Not exactly what the IOC and the world would like to hear.
And should President Elect Barack Obama make a plea in person for the 2016 US Olympic bid(as Tony Blair did for the Brits), he would certainly have to do an about face this coming October.

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