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Varsity Sports on College Campuses

With the IOC’s vote last week Rugby has joined Team Handball and other sports as part of the Olympic program. Frequent readers to the site know full well that I think rugby’s development in the U.S. is the closest model for Team Handball to follow and learn from. In this podcast from American Rugby News, the topic of varsity sports on college campuses is discussed in detail. Rugby is mostly a “club sport” on hundreds of college campuses throughout the U.S., but in some colleges it has been established as a varsity sport. The podcast explains what varsity status means and doesn’t mean in terms of a team sport at colleges and how to develop and nurture a sport on a college campus. As the U.S. seeks to expand its collegiate handball program from a handful of schools to a nationwide network this podcast should be a must listen to anyone who’s already involved with collegiate Team Handball or is thinking about start a new program.

American Rugby News: College Talk:
Podcast Download Link:

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