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(VIDEO) Gary Hines Profile on German Television

USA National Team player, Gary Hines, is featured in a four minute profile on German television station TVtouring. The feature includes interviews with Gary, his coach and footage of recent matches. Hines is the top player for his club, DJK Waldbüttelbrunn, and has been frequently scoring in the double digits this season. His club is currently 2-4 and in 13th place in the 4th division Bayernliga. In the interview, Gary indicates that his dream is to play in the Bundesliga and judging by the athleticism in some of the highlights it shouldn’t be long before he moves on to one of the higher divisions in Germany.

Gary Hines Profile (video):
DJK Waldbüttelbrunn website:
Bayern Liga Standings:
THN (27 Nov 2008): Gary Hines Signs Contract with German Club:
Wikispace translation of video:
(Note: German speakers, we need your help. If you have time to translate even a small portion of the interview please do so at this wikispace site. Anyone can edit this wiki. Just click on “edit this page” and start typing.)

Partial Translation (Thanks for those who've helped)

Announcer: In German we say high, higher, highest. Well, in Waldbüttelbrunn it's in english and slightly different. High, higher, Hines. Waldbüttelbrunn' crowd favorite Gary Hynes is the "jumping wonder" of the Bayernliga and he wants to reach higher levels. Therefore, we've met with him at altitudes he can't reach with his jumping abiliites. At Würzburg Climbing hall we did an interview at 20 feet above the ground.

Announcer: Does it feel for you here like doing a jump shot?

Hines: If I look down it is quite similar. If I jump I am used to looking down at the other players.

Announcer: Since november 2008, Hynes wears the jersey of DJK. He is not only convincing by his jumping ability, but also by a lot of goals. 18 in a single match is his personal best, regularly he scores more than ten times a match. Of course such a player has high ambitions.

Hines: I know that I am one of the top players of the US. Here, I have to prove my skills because nobody knows me. And if I can improve myself than I think that I will be seen as a very good player. My dream is to play in the Bundesliga and I hope to reach this soon.

Announcer: It is quite possible that he can reach this aim because he learns quickly and can quickly adopt different circumstances, as we can see during the climbing. Within a short time he is at 14 meter altitude. But, before the 25 year old player will move on in the "world of handball" he wants to reach high aims with his current club.

Hines: We want to avoid relegation and win next saturday. When I came here last year I didn't know what they call a "derby" here, but I know that we call it a "match between rivals". I'm looking forward to it and I know that we have to win and therefore we'll get out and win.

Announcer: The player from Georgia is feeling very well in Waldbüttelbrunn.

Hines: I didn't know what I should expect when I came here. When I first entered the hall I saw a banner with "heartly welcome, Gary and we wish you much success" and since then everything is great. I love to play at home, because our fan support is fantastic. Then it's fun to play.

Announcer: And therefore there will be some more matches of the player with the high jumpping skills at his "chosen hometown" of Waldbüttelbrunn.


Interviewer: What role does Gary Hines play for your team?

Bernd Becker (DJK Waldbuttelbrunn Trainer): He is an exceptional player with a good feeling with the ball and a good feeling for game situations. He is a player who, through his spectacular goals, motivates the whole team and the fans. Therefore, he is indispensable for our team.

Interviewer: How dificult is it to keep Gary Hines in Waldbüttelbrunn?

Becker: At the moment Gary Hines is here. As long he is still here, we do not know if he has the possibility to play the higher category, he use it he wants it we hope that he stays long in Waldbüttelbrunn because it just makes fun with him. DJK is very satisfied with Gary and we hope he is too with DJK. I think he feels very comfortable here, therefore, we hope that he stays for a long time……

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