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Podcast (Episode 53): Team USA’s Antoine Baup: An American Playing Handball and Attending College in Germany

Team USA Circle Runner, Antoine Baup.
















A while back I read a story online about how Americans could attend college in Germany for practically nothing when compared to tuition costs in the U.S.  And, I thought to myself, “Hmm.  Cheaper than Auburn and quality regular competition. Maybe we could send athletes to play handball and attend college in Germany.”

Little did I know, that an American would soon be exercising that option.  But, with a bit of a twist since it wasn’t a stateside American, but French-American, Antoine Baup.

While in Montreal I sat down with Antoine to discuss studying/playing handball in Germany and his current experience with the U.S. Men’s National Team.  We also hash out a bit some of the pros and cons with dual citizens playing for U.S. Jr teams.

BBC Article on Americans attending college in Germany:  Link

Borussia Monchengladbach Handball (Antoine’s Club Team): Link

Hochschule Rhein-Waal (College Antoine is attending): Link





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