WHO: Students interested in starting a Collegiate Team Handball Club at Colorado State University, the University of Colorado – Boulder or any other college or university in the state of colorado.
WHAT: Starting a Collegiate Team Handball Club can be challenging. This initiative will help you get your club started with equipment (balls and goals) and organizing your first practices. Additionally, I will arrange for the Air Force Academy club team and/or the Denver Wolves club to provide to demonstrate the sport with a joint practice/scrimmage.
WHERE: The primary focus of this initiative are the two largest universities (CSU and CU-Boulder) as their larger size and strong club systems will help facilitate the starting of a new club. There’s also a former handball player from France living in Boulder who’s interested in coaching and CSU even had a handball club program from 2012-15. That said, a Collegiate Team Handball program could start anywhere. If there’s genuine interest at your college I’ll help out.
WHEN: This initiative is planned for the 2024-25 academic year, but may be extended depending on need/interest.
WHY: I am a big believer in Collegiate Team Handball and this initiative is intended to provide a helping hand or jumpstart to get a couple of college teams started in the state of Colorado. If programs could get started at CSU and CU, combined with Air Force and Denver Wolves a 4 team league could be established.
HOW: The first step will be to generate interest in starting a collegiate handball club at your university. And, for interested students to link up and then work with their school’s Recreation Services to go through the steps for starting a new club.
For more infromation follow the CU and CSU Team Handball IG pages and send a DM for more information.