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How Am I Going to Find Time to Watch All These Handball Games?

As you might have guessed from this title, my ( Eurosport, Eurosport 2, Sport Plus) problems have been solved. A colleague at work has just purchased a British SKY TV satellite package. Apparently his kids wanted their Premiership Soccer and Eurosport 2 was part of the overall Sports package. So now a steady stream of videotape is being exchanged. A side benefit is that I also get English language commentary from Carlton Kirby and Paul Bray, who is now in his 20th year of broadcasting handball. I remember first hearing his commentary when I was in Sweden for the 1993 World Championships and his distinctly British style hasn’t change a bit. Certainly, the “barging” calls bring a chuckle to this American viewer. If you live in the UK and haven’t figured out how to get Eurosport 2 on your TV, don’t even begin to call yourself a Handball fan.

I can only hope that the EHF will start internet broadcasting these games and more importantly, aggressively try to find sports networks in the US, Canada, and Australia to air these games. Heck, give it away for free if you have to, but get the sport on TV in those markets, even if its at 2:00 AM.

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