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Liga Asobal vs. Bundesliga (Olafur Stefansson Weighs In)

In an interview on the EHF Champions League website Icelander, Olafur Stefansson , who plays for Spanish side, Ciudad Real was asked the following: You played in both leagues, for Wuppertal and Magdeburg in Germany and now for Ciudad Real in Spain. Which league is better: Asobal or Bundesliga?

Stefansson: If you look at the best three German and Spanish teams, they are all a class of their own, full of world class players. If they play against each other, there’s no favourite, they are similar. When you look further and see the first five teams of both leagues, the comparison is still the same. But if you take all teams of both leagues, Germany is better. The teams from 5 to 18 have more class than the similar teams in Spain. But as these teams are getting better in Spain, while the gap between place 5 and 12 is widening in Germany. It’s like in Spain: the good ones are getting better and the bad ones getting worse.

The whole interview is here:,10577#scroll

And if you don’t already do so, be sure to check the EHF Champions League website regularly as the quality and frequency of articles placed on their site has improved dramatically. (The link is on the right hand side of the THN Homepage.) Now if they can just add a satellite TV or web streaming package at a reasonable price….

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