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IHF to New Candidates: No Time for Introductions at Congress

The IHF has informed national federations with new candidates up for election at the IHF Congress that “for reasons of time we can not give the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to the Congress.” The brief memo then invites the nations to make sure that their resume is available for the official Congress Documents.

Jean Kaiser (LUX), a candidate for President fired off a terse counter-memo decrying this position as unbelievable, noting that it was counter to previous Congresses and that the current President has been globe-trotting at IHF expense to campaign directly to the different nations. He further notes that “an election congress is the most important congress within that 4 years period. Consequently it is of a very high importance for the representatives of the national federations, to make their own mind about the candidates, by listening to their proposals.”

A close look at the agenda provided on the Federation website does seem to indicated that time could be found for candidate introductions. Notably, Thursday, 4 June is a social day with a trip to the pyramids and a spa for the attendees.

IHF Congress Agenda:

Text of the IHF memo and Jean Kaiser response is in the extended post

To the Handball Federations CRO, DEN, FIN, FRA, GER, IND, ISL, ITA, JOR, KAZ, KOR, KUW, LUX, MKD, NOR, POL, SLO, SUI, TUN, UKR

Basle, 8th May 2009

XXXII Ordinary IHF Congress 2009 New candidates for positions at the IHF

Dear Handball Friends,

You presented candidates from your federation for a position in the IHF at the coming Congress. The candidature has been handed in in due time and has been announced in the circular letter dated 11th March 2009.

As for reasons of time we can not give the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to the Congress, we would herewith invite you to send us the respective CVs (if you have not already done so) in order to add them to the official Congress documents. We would kindly ask you to send us the CVs by the 15th May at the latest.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may need.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation we remain,

With best sporting regards

Christoph Geissler
Head of Administration

To all Handball friends.

It is really unbelievable !!
We, the candidates to the different positions in IHF, at the congress 2009, are forbidden to present ourselves to all the congress participants.

An election congress is the most important congress within that 4 years period.

Consequently it is of a very high importance for the representatives of the national federations, to make their own mind about the candidates, by listening to their proposals.

In the past, this procedure has been a very appreciated usance

M. Hassan Moustafa, president of IHF in his dictatorial way, refuses this to the representatives of the national federations!

Whereas he is travelling around the world, "sponsored" by IHF-funds, to make his own election campaign, he does not allow the other candidates even to talk to the congress.

What kind of impudence! What an unfair competition!

What an indignity for democracy and an insult for all congress participants.

I kindly request you all, to rise and protest for democracy, and against the shabby behaviour of the IHF president.

Candidate for President

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