New York Athletic Club (NYAC) goalie and USA Team Handball CEO, Matt Van Houten, chases down an errant shot.
At the Club National Championships, Matt Van Houten, took some time out of his busy schedule to discuss several of the issues he’s been addressing as the new USA Team Handball CEO. Topics included the new Federation By-Laws, the Board of Directors shakeup, Federation finances, National Team plans and Handball TV broadcasts in the U.S. Interview length is about 38 minutes.
Here’s some links to topics that were discussed or alluded to during the interview:
Audio: USA Team Handball Town Hall Meeting: Link
Audio: Interview with USOC’s Rick Adams: Link
Audio: Interview with Board of Director, Tomuke Ebuwei: Link
USA Team Handball Corporate Documents (includes IRS Form 990s; most recent Form 990 covers from July, 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011): Link
North America and Caribbean Qualification Tournament: Link (Plans are still TBD; Apparently Greenland is back as the tentative host)
The committees that were established after the April 2012 Strategic Planning Conference: Link
My analysis highlighting concerns with USA Team Handball’s decision to hire full time National Team coaches and restart Residency Programs: Link
beIN Sport: Link