If you’ve checked out the USA Team Handball website lately, www.usateamhandball.org you’ve undoubtedly noticed more activity of late. After a slow start the new federation is doing a much better job in terms in getting the word out and reporting on handball events in the U.S. I won’t repeat in detail all the news they’ve reported on in the past few weeks, but it includes several stories on new staff hires, the Chicago tournament and the Women’s team plans to participate in the Division 1 Pan American Team Handball Federation (PATHF) tournament in Mexico in November.
The best product to date was the recent first issue of the USA Team Handball Newsletter. The 6 page full color newsletter includes news, photos and a handball tips section. The newsletter can be viewed online at http://usateamhandball.org/tracker/?e=dchandball%40yahoo.com&u=573&s=3&t=url&d=http%3A%2F%2Fusateamhandball.org.ismmedia.com%2FISM3%2Fstd-content/repos/Top/usateamhandballnews1.pdf or you can sign up for email delivery at http://usateamhandball.org/registration/.
What kind of improvement ?Any results?Or facts?I will give more credit to chicago because they'r website is more pretty .Sorry Ryan but when I will see something wich will develop the handball I will give them credit .I thing they bla,bla ,bla to much but nothing concrete.
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm simply saying they've [u]improved the website[/u] in terms of more stories and updates. And clearly the newsletter is a professional looking product. One that I hope they continue to produce on a regular basis
I will agree with John on this, but my criteria is different.
I think there are some serious work is done from Steve (hopefully) and my criteria that he didn't write on his personal blog for a long time and that could be indication that he is working hard.
I just hope after hiring all of these people, we start to see more work done on the grass root level.
We will see what the next days will bring.