Prominent writer Andrew Jennings gives the IHF regime global coverage

Andrew Jennings is a globally known investigative reporter, author and film maker. He has been active for about 30 years, having written for all the major newspapers in Britain. While he has provided first-hand accounts of stories such as the rebel activities in Chechnya, Mafia enterprises in Sicily, and shady dealings in the 'Iran-Contra' affair, his main focus has been on corruption in sports. He is the author of several award-winning books, translated into a multitude of languages, containing revelations of the 'inside story' of FIFA and of the IOC and the Olympic movement.

He has never before written about handball, so it is clearly significant that this week he has seen fit to write a major article on his own web site 'TransparencyInSport', about the long list of transgressions by the IHF president in recent time and over many years. It is not exactly the kind of publicity that an international sports federation and its top officials would like to see. Indeed, it is a warning to the 'international handball family' that what is going on cannot be kept secret, and that the current IHF regime is doing great damage to the image of the sport we love.