I will provide a live audio commentary of Saturday’s match between the USA and Canada. This consolation semifinal is scheduled for 1:30 PM (U.S. East Coast Time). Last December the two teams split a two game series with each side losing by identical 25-21 scores on the road. Canada won a ten minute overtime, but that was played in Montreal, so this neutral ground showdown will serve as the unofficial rubber match between the two rivals.
The audio and video links are below:
Audio: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/team-handball
Video: http://deportesus.terra.com/rumbo-a-2012/guadalajara-2011/en-vivo/
USA Federation Live Chat page: http://usateamhandball.org/
Undoubtedly, time delays will make traditional commentary unpractical, so I will try to focus on the overall situation. If you’ve got comments/questions post them on the ustream chat or Federation chat pages and I’ll try to respond.