Paul Skorupa on attack vs Paraguay
Team USA is 0-3 at the Youth Panamerican Championships with losses to Chile (38-12), Paraguay (31-17) and Brazil (60-7). Beset by injuries and with little hope of an upset against regional power Brazil, Coach Craig Rot chose to play his reserves and the 60-7 score reflects that mismatch.
Despite the 3 heavy setbacks the U.S. still has a solid chance of earning 4th place in the group if they can beat Mexico today and Costa Rica on Thursday. Mexico is 1-2 and its only 2 points are against winless Costa Rica. A healthy U.S. that plays like they did against Chile the first 22 minutes is certainly capable of closing out group play with 2 wins. The U.S. does not control its own destiny, but 2 wins and 4 points would give them a solid chance of advancing to the 5th-8th semifinals.
Today’s match vs Mexico is at 1400 (Local) and 1300 (EDST)
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