
USA Handball Talk (Episode 28): Oh Where, Oh Where are all our American Handball Players Playing?

(Benjamin Edwards #40, playing with the Veszprem 1st Team)

John and JD discuss 18 year old Benjamin Edwards playing with the Veszprem 1st Team, John’s dream of an HBL-LNH pre-season showdown and some overarching takeaways from the Olympian Handball Haus interviews.

Here’s a summary with links to some of the items we discussed:

  • Benjamin Edwards: USATH Profile Nice assist vs Berlin
  • Germany Cup Results; Both ASV Hamm (Ian Hueter) and Vfl Lubeck-Schwartau (Paul Skorupa) advanced to the next round where they likely will face HBL sides: Link
  • John’s proposed HBL-LNH Pre-Season Challenge modelled after the NCAA college basketball ACC – Big Ten Challenge
  • SoCal Beach Handball Championship: Results Match Videos
  • Yoav Lumbroso Wikipedia
  • Handball Haus Olympian Interviews: Link
    • The interviews are about 10 minutes long and halfway through the videos
    • Bryant Johnson 88
    • Leora Sam Jones 84, 88, 92
    • Cindy Stinger 84, 88, 92
    • Brad Schlesinger 72
    • Matthew Ryan 96
    • Tom Fitzgerald 96
    • Craig Thompson Gilbert 84
    • Tim Funk 84
    • Pete Buehning 76
    • Laura Coenen Ryan 88, 92, 96
    • Joe McVein 84, 88
    • Terry Tinkle 72
    • Dennis Berkholtz 72 76
  • Two takeaways from these interviews
    • “Play handball. See the world”: The greater resources applied for these athletes in terms of training and playing opportunities.
    • Pound for pound these athletes were better and more accomplished than the crossover athletes that have played for the U.S. the past two decades
      • Article on Air Force basketball athletes that played handball: Link

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If you have any suggestions for future topics that you would like us to consider please let us know on social media.

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And, be sure to check out the podcast archive with interviews and great handball discussion going all the way back to 2006: Link