By Christer Ahl
Six months ago, I used my Facebook and got the help of some friends to use their web pages to announce my need for an urgent kidney transplant. So very many of you responded with best wishes and encouragement, and I thank all of your for this support which was invaluable in a difficult time.
But I was not so optimistic that my efforts would lead me to someone who would be willing to donate a kidney. However, I am enormously happy to inform you that the miracle happened! And it happened through my decades of involvement in sports, especially in handball. An ex-player and now coach in PanAmerica, whom I met many years ago, when I was a referee and an instructor, saw my postings. This fantastic man had already had in mind the idea of donating an organ, and when he now saw my name and photo, he decided to come forward. Obviously, I am eternally grateful to him!
We are both doing well, and my kidney function is now very strong again. And it was a special coincidence that our transplant surgery took place, precisely during the days of the handball competition in Rio. This is to me a story about the meaning of the ‘true Olympic spirit’!