The Brazilian Handball Confederation (CBHb) was founded in 1979 and a Brazilian team participated when the 1st Men's Panamerican Championship was organized the following year. Gradually, Brazil has progressed to become a dominating force in Panamerican handball, albeit with the traditional close rivalry with Argentina, on both the men's and the women's side. But while the gold medals in Panamerican competitions have kept piling up, the real successes in international competition, i.e., World Championships and Olympic Games, have so far failed to materialize. Brazilian players have been sought out by European clubs, but the experience gained in this manner has not been enough.
Therefore, notwithstanding the successes within the continent and the strong growth of handball within Brazil, the Confederation and its leadership has received criticism, also from within in its own ranks. For instance, one of the dominating players on the men's national team recently expressed in public his frustrations with the lack of an international break-through and questioned if the methods of the CBHb were the best ones.
Nevertheless, as reported on the CBHB web site from the CBHb General Assembly last weekend, Oliveira found himself presented with a petition that urged him, 'for the sake of continuity', to promise to make himself available also for the period 2013-6, leading up to the Olympic Games in Rio. Needless to say, 'an emotional Oliveira was unable to resist this overwhelming pressure'. He had previously indicated that he would leave in 2012 when his current mandate expires.
Oliveira is the third president in the history of the CBHb, having taken over from Jose Maria Teixeira in the late 1980s. In other words, a re-election for 2013-16 would be for his seventh(!) consecutive period as president. Indeed, this fact has caused some Brazilian observers to ask rather sarcastically if the international results of Brazilian handball really justify that Oliveira becomes such a 'record holder'.
As followers of international handball know, while Oliveira's heart may be in the handball of his Brazil, he is currently also the President of the PanAmerican Team Handball Federation, and therefore also a Vice-President of the International Handball Federation until 2013.