Mike Hurdle announces 2006 Nationals

USATH (ex-?)president Mike Hurdle has announced that the 2006 National Championships will be held in Gainsville, Georgia. The hosts will be the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta, the Georgia Sports Foundation and Condor Club Sports.
The tournament will involve full 60min games (one per day) and will hence cover 5 days from May 25-29, 2006. There will be an open division and 3 junior divisions.
See the [link=http://teamhandballnews.com/download.php?list.4]files in the download section[/link] for more details.
[file=request.php?7]2006 Letter from Mike Hurdle[/file]
[file=request.php?8]2006 Nationals Annanouncement[/file]
[file=request.php?9]2006 Nationals Schedule[/file]

7 thoughts on “Mike Hurdle announces 2006 Nationals

  1. Where to begin? How about here: "The USOC asserted that USATH was in violation of the Ted Stevens Act; no one involved with USATH could refute the accusation and no defense was presented." To my knowledge, Mike Hurdle never even replied to the complaint in the first place.

    Or here: "By withholding funding, the USOC unequivocally demonstrated that USATH was not financially independent and capable of sustaining operations, and hence, in violation of the Ted Stevens Act." The fact that Mike Hurdle was making 40k/yr contracts to his friend with money the federation didn't have anything to do with it either. Right?

    Or even here: "Other than for a select few members that believe they are world-class athletes…" Another swipe at the Women's National Team.

    I know all Mike Hurdle's supporters are going to say "What do you have against him". To that I say, I hold nothing personal towards anyone, but what has happened is not the fault of the USOC or the BOD, it falls squarely on the shoulders of Mike Hurdle. If people can't see this then I don't know what more to tell you, so I'll leave you with a quote that he actually got right.

    "The sport of handball will continue to exist, if not thrive, primarily because those of us who truly love and are committed to the sport will do what is necessary to ensure it." I sincerely believe this and do what I can with my limited abilities and means, I only wish Mike Hurdle believed his own words.

    Hope the Nationals are an outstanding success.

  2. In my reading of the pertaining documents, the 40k/y were covered by the appropriate section budget. With Mike H. chairing that section, he had the authorization to spend it.
    IF the BoD had solved the issues in-house and not aired their dirty laundry with the USOC, the USOC had not withdrawn funding.
    Thus, blaming !squarely" one side disregards the course of events and smells of partisanship.
    In our independent view, unprofessional decisions (probably guided by personal mistrust) have been made in a tit-for-tat fashion on all sides. Pointing fingers or saying: "but Mom, he started it!", is neither constructive nor indicative of a mature comprehension of the causality of events.
    From my remote, personal perspective, the most benign interpretation is that of unprofessionalism, personal pride, inexperience and incompetence combined with a passion for the sport. This regards all involved parties, which can pick and choose who wants to be called what, LOL :-)
    Maybe a little less pride and passion for the sport combined with a little more competence is the way for the future?
    Rumor has it that there is a second Nationals being planned. In the light of a secured venue and set schedule, such a competing competition will be a tell-tale sign of the degree of competence and collaboration among US handballers.

  3. "In my reading of the pertaining documents, the 40k/y were covered by the appropriate section budget. With Mike H. chairing that section, he had the authorization to spend it." Unfortunately here I have to disagree. We are really supposed to be a volunteer organization, we shouldn't be handing out that kind of money to anybody, funded or unfunded, period.

    "IF the BoD had solved the issues in-house and not aired their dirty laundry with the USOC, the USOC had not withdrawn funding." Again here I choose to disagree. The fact is that both sides couldn't find a solution so the BOD went to the USOC to ask for help and although the USOC decided to decertify rather than to mediate, they saw that their money was not being put to good use and decided to take action.

    "Rumor has it that there is a second Nationals being planned. In the light of a secured venue and set schedule, such a competing competition will be a tell-tale sign of the degree of competence and collaboration among US handballers." I think the fact the USOC has funded the 2006 National College Championship and is (was?) going to fund the 2006 National Club Championship. But because you know who implies that because the USATH was bankrupt there wouldn't be a National Championship shows to me that in spite of the fact that he says he's still the president, he has no idea what is really going on.

    I believe that in order for this sport to grow we must do some heavy-duty outreach, particularly, at the club level. Personally, I've created leafets and posted them around my school and helped bring the NETHC Tounament to Boston. Hopefully I will be able to do more for the USATH when it comes to election time. Because even though I don't play or even see many games, I love this sport very much and try to what I can to increase the visibility of Handball in this country. This is a 10-round fight and we are barely starting the first round. Let's hope we don't throw in the towel before the fight is done. A day without handball, is like a day without sunshine. May all our days be sunny. Bye Bye.

  4. [blockquote]We are really supposed to be a volunteer organization, we shouldn't be handing out that kind of money to anybody, funded or unfunded, period.[/blockquote]
    I guess that means firing Mike Cavanaugh.
    [blockquote]The fact is that both sides couldn't find a solution so the BOD went to the USOC to ask for help[/blockquote]
    This inability just shows incompetence and inexperience. So does the move to go to the USOC (because their reacion was predictable).
    [blockquote]I think the fact the USOC has funded the 2006 National College Championship and is (was?) going to fund the 2006 National Club Championship.[/blockquote]
    Organized the right way, tournaments MAKE money. They don't cost money. If they cost money, they're not organized skillfully.

  5. It's apparent that we have to agree to disagree. But in closing I will make two brief comments.

    1. Mike Hurdle does not represent the USTHF. He was removed from office by the BOD. In any legitimate corporation if the BOD feels that the president has not acted in a responsible manner, the BOD has the right to remove him. Have you ever heard of the president firing the BOD? I haven't, but maybe you have.

    2. We can have all the clubs we want, but in order to be recognized as a national federation representing Handball and more importantly have National Teams we must be certified by the USOC. Having the USTHF run (illegally) by one person, answerable to nobody, does not help this sport. Also, right now we are not large enough to make money. The Champions League makes money. Unfortunately we don't, yet. What we need are sponsors, not $500 casino nights. I am really disappointed in people's inability to see the fundamental problems and work to change them. Or maybe they're just too busy playing.

  6. Your act is getting real old real fast. I also read you post on the Woman's National team message board.

    [u]"I am really disappointed in people's inability to see the fundamental problems." [/u]

    I guess you, with a how many years experience, are so much smarter and wiser then people with 10+, 20+, and 30+ years experience in handball. If you think you can do such a great job, why don't you start a new handball federation, make it solvent, run tournaments, and then apply for NGB status with the USOC.

    If not, then you probably need to just move on. You seem to be the only one still blasting Mike Hurdle while other are finding solutions and implementing them. Your comments are starting to turn into a Pity Party. You are either "part of the problem or part of the solution." I hope you want to be part of the solution and help Handball instead of the continuous e-mails like the one above.

    The decertification didn't shut down any of the 3 Handball Leagues, UNC still had both of their tournaments, College nats are in April, there still will be a US Nat., USA is still going to the Pan Ams, West Point and the Falcon Cup succeeded.

  7. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I need to move on from people like you who have no idea what is really going on. I hope you have a really nice day.

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