[color=#0000ff]Part II:[/color]
The Organizers.
If there ever was a term that could be defined as "damned if you do, damned if you don't", look up TEAM HANDBALL EVENT ORGANIZER.
Having been a member of the 2002 USATH Nationals LOC, I knew first hand how time consuming an event of this magnitude could be. Or ungratifying!
So much had to be done in so little time and with hardly any volunteers. Harris County Houston Sports Authority's Cathy Dean, alongside Mike Cavanaugh and Jan O'Shea and a number of "regular" volunteers worked very hard hard to ensure that this event lived up to everyone's expectations. A tough task. One which I would never want any part of.
I, for one, am very greatful for their work. I've oftened found myself thinking: "Better them than me." A little selfish, I'll admit…
These ORGANIZERS are and have ALWAYS been taken for granted. Every year, for three days in April/May, these men and women (mothers and fathers) agree to be everyone's pinata.
So please excuse me! I'd like to acknowledge ALL OF THEM. Thank you for doing whatever it is that you're doing! And thank you for doing it so damn well!