USA Boxing Avoids Being Team Handballed

Yet another USA amateur sport Board has looked over the abyss and decided to vote themselves out of office.,1,5081617.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Commentary: I wonder how in the world they used to function with a 200+ member Board of Governors? It’s also surprising to see that a substantially higher profile sport (compared to Team Handball) has significant difficulty fundraising

Side note: Ed Weichers, the interim CEO of USA boxing, was my instructor for boxing class at the Air Force Academy 23 years ago. Talk about a recruiting tool for a club sport. Every single male Freshman at the military service academies is required to take 10 lessons in boxing their Freshman year. If you expose 900 people to a sport, with even a 1% interest rate to join the club program you’re doing great. This is why the service academies do so well in College Boxing.