Handball Prediction Contest

So do you think you know your Handball? Specifically, Men’s Champions League Handball? Here’s your chance to prove it. Predict the winners for the Quarter-Final knockout stage and the margin of victory (total goal aggregate for both games) for each of the 4 matchups.

How to Enter: Click here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=965453329135

Contest Scoring:
Correct Club: 5 points
Correct Club and margin of victory (8 points)

Prize: Winner receives a Kempa Handball Jersey courtesy of the International Sports and Academic Exchange (ISAE) http://teamhandballnews.com/page12.html

The Quarter-Final phase of the contest closes Friday, 23 February, prior to the start of the Flensburg-Barcelona match. The contest will continue through the Semis and Finals with accumulated points throughout.

One entry per person please