USA Team Handball College Nationals.

From the HUNTSVILLE TIMES: [link=]article for to be read![/link]

Early Friday evening, Army Black defeated Army Gold in the first game of the 5 team round robin tournament.

6 thoughts on “USA Team Handball College Nationals.

  1. WOW. 5 teams from 3 clubs. When I played in the first college nationals,1997, there were 8 teams. Yes, it was the first because my shirt says inaugural tournament. The last one I played in ,2000, had 12. It really shows the emphisis on creating AND maintaining handball in college.

  2. Actually, my real concern is that the U.S. Military Academies don't really help promote the sport and use up taxpayer dollars in the process. Case in point is the NETHC Tounament in Lowell, MA this past winter. While New Jersey(NYAC) had 5 players all day Sat., West Point(Army) had two teams: one on the court and one on the bench. And the other teams only had 2 or 3 extra players with the execption of the 'Quebec' team.

    Considering that N.C. at least puts out pretty decent team year in year out and wants to start the much needed full-time MNT program, I believe that they should be given that opportunity.

    Hopefully the USOC will use this opportunity to expand the MNT. Because sports fans in the U.S. are more inclined to watch, follow, and buy products relating to a MNT, although I'm not excluding the excellent work the WNT has done.

  3. Point well taken. It is what it is and right now there are only three school programs who also happen to account for over 60% of the team handball tournaments in thus USA. Instead of beating a dead horse, I think it is only fair to give credit to the city of Huntsville for organizing a phenomenal tournament held in a great venue, on short notice, a first class organizing staff/committee [none of that small numbers business… and NO, I am not letting that go! Yet. :)] and with surprisingly competitive matches.

  4. The Service Academies should be commended for their handball programs. In fact, it is safe to say with the intramural programs at both West Point and USAFA, more Team Handball games are played at those schools then the entire rest of the country put together. (I’m talking all of the clubs and the assorted leagues and tournaments in the entire country!) As far as taxpayer dollars are concerned, cadets if they aren’t playing handball would be playing something else. The two tournaments they host every year are an example of giving back to the sport as well as the several national team and Olympians that have come from the Academies. Additionally, State University schools, like UNC, also are being subsidized by taxpayer dollars. And finally, keep in mind that as an 87 USAFA grad, I’m obviously just a little bit biased in my opinion.

  5. I do not normally respond to ridiculous postings, but I must point out to Mr. Chamberlain that Army Team Handball is a club at West Point, and clubs at West Point are funded solely by donation (IE, Alumni) money. So, do not worry Mr. Chamberlain, your tax dollars are not going to the Army THB team. In fact, the team currently receives a large sum of money from a former player at the Academy (who played with me), which helps support the team and their ability to travel to so many venues. Moreover, I have a classmate who drives two hours each way once a week to help coach these kids (and goes on all the trips). He is not paid at all for this.
    So, while they were in Lowell, MA, they were only "wasting" alumni money. Even if it were tax payer dollars, are you suggesting that it would be a waste of money to develop young, athletic kids into handball players? If not handball, what should they be doing with their time? I would love to hear your recommendations, b/c many of these kids will be in Afg. or Iraq within a few years (some within a year) and apparently you don't think they deserve a chance to play sports. Interesting. As a former THB player at USMA myself, I can tell you that playing this sport years ago helped in my development as an officer in the Army, and it created another person to help promote the sport.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but I just thought it was important to point out that you are very misinformed about how USMA THB is funded. In fact, the players on the team went to Germany on their own time and dime (spring break) to play team handball! In my book, that shows committment to the sport.

    I think the state of Team Handball in the US is in sad shape. However, there is hope for the sport, and it begins with developing the next generation of players- not the generation of players that are currently being represented at the MNT level. I would gladly offer up a few of my players to at least "train" with the team, but there seems to be little interest in grooming the next generation. Instead, there are still players who are playing when I played years ago. It is clearly time for change at the MNT level if there is ever hope of being competitive internationally.

  6. Ever since I began playing back [in the stone age], the Service Academies have been important to the sport, both in hosting good tournaments and developing players. I always enjoyed playing against both teams, unfortunatly they are handicapped by only having those players for a few years.
    I have always been interested in why the Naval Academy does not play, with that beautiful built in rivalry.

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