Asian Olympic Qualification Replay (IHF Requests Romania to Host)

According to , the IHF has requested that Romania host the Asian Olympic Qualification Replay.

Translation of article (courtesy of Bogdan Pasat):

A year after joining the EU, Romania is "moving" to Asia . Romania will host the Asian Team Handball Championship, that is.

Romania better than Mother Teresa or the Pope: chosen to squelch the biggest scandal in the world of team handball.

Romania received a fax from the IHF, requesting them country to host the Asian team handball qualification tournaments for the Olympic Games – tournaments which, as you may recall, were hosted last year but now must be replayed due to accusations of corruption.

Kazakhstan, on the women's side and Kuwait on the men's side were the tournament winners last year, upsetting the odds-on favorites – the South Koreans – who subsequently protested the tournament. The Koreans brought forth evidence – in the form of game recordings – which showed the game officials favoring the home teams. Accused of covering up a potential corruption conspiracy, the IHF was forced to take an unprecedented decision: replay both pre-Olympic tournaments.

Romania was the lone country to receive the fax from the IHF requesting them to host the new tournaments both for men and women. These tournaments will take place during the last week of January (2008) and will be hosted in two Romanian cities. Hosting expenses will be paid for by the IHF.

The Romanian Handball Federation will use the Administrative Council meeting scheduled for this coming Monday (January 7, 2007) to decide on whether it will accept or deny the offer to host the tournaments.

One thought on “Asian Olympic Qualification Replay (IHF Requests Romania to Host)

  1. I am not sure about the Kazakstan Women's team, but my feeling is the Kuwait Men's team might as well stay home as I believe the South Koreans will not only beat them this time, but beat them by a large margin.
    As we have stated before, the biggest problem here is the IHF not running the tournament themselves in the first place. What a black eye for Handball. And by having their home court advantage erased, a good Kazakhstan Women's team will probably not get the results they want.

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