Handball Marketing Survey

Readers: We recently received the following email:

"As students at the Aarhus School of Business, we are writing our masters thesis regarding European handball and brand awareness. What we would like to know is how your relationship to handball is. For example: how much handball do you watch on TV and live, do you play handball, how much do you spend on handball equipment – and what are your relationship to some of the larger sports brands in handball?

Our thesis will deal with the mechanisms in handball, and the general brand awareness within handball. Besides that, we wish to investigate how sport companies can brand their products towards their target group – that is, you.

In order to gather data to our thesis, we have made an online survey that we will appreciate if you would complete – the survey is anonymous and will only take five minutes to complete.

Link to the survey (in english) http://www.askpeople.dk/ask/real/scheme.php?frm=1&pubFormId=83aeb158dd23665

Thank you in advance,
Andreas Aaquist and Martin Jacobsen, Aarhus, Denmark."

Editor's Note: I've taken the survey and can attest to the fact that it doesn't take very long to complete. The results should be interesting and hopefully we will be able to see the completed product at a later date.