Hey, I’ve got a full time job and I can’t always wake up at 3:00 in the morning to watch handball. Besides, I’m a time shifter – I don’t have to do that. I can go to work, come home, eat dinner, spend some time with my daughters, put them to bed and then crack open a beer and watch the France-Croatia semifinal match in peace and quiet.

You’ve got to be careful, though, if you don’t want to know the outcome before its over. It’s best to have your wife go to the NBC website, just in case the link to the video player says something like France beats Croatia 32-31 in overtime. But once you click on the link, enlarge the video player and close the other windows, you’re safe for an hour and a half of handball viewing. Or so I thought.

Yes, some genius at NBC online decided it wasn’t enough to put a header on the actual video player that says: “Men’s Semifinal: France vs. Croatia” No, that wasn’t enough, they had to also add: “France knocks out Croatia to move to the gold medal match.” Exactly, what purpose does that additional information serve? Aaargh. Kind of like watching the Empire Strikes back with a banner at the top stating, “Luke Skywalker discovers Darth Vader is his father”

But, fortunately, all hope is not lost. I still don’t know the outcome of Spain – Iceland and I’ve learned my lesson. Yes, my wife will now check the video player banner and yes, you guessed it, she will put electrical tape on the computer monitor to hide any offending text.