French Reports on Coupe de la Ligue

Some post mortem articles and videos have appeared on several French websites. Here are a few worthy of note:

Handzone’s Francois Dasriaux gives a measured critique of the event titled, Good Idea!, Bad Choice? In his commentary he outlines several of the mitigating factors that contributed to the poor attendance, but also critiques the American organizers for not more effectively marketing the event. He also points that more coordination with USA Team Handball would have resulted in a few more fans. Despite these critiques he does point out the positive reactions of the players and the fact that the German Bundesliga is contemplating a similar venture and that the potential is there for better execution the next time around.
Handzone: Good Idea, Bad Choice?:

Le Parisien wrote that Alain Smadja, the President of the French League is going to sit down with the American organizers and plan better for next year’s event. In particular, he notes that more advertising is needed and that he would like to see the event in New York City. Smadja Wants New York:

Hand 7 has a couple of video interviews. One with Alain Smadja and one with several players after the all star game. Over and over again the players emphasize that they really enjoyed the tournament, they just wish there were more fans there.
Hand 7: Player interviews (Video):
Hand 7: Alain Smadja interview (Video):