Slate Magazine’s "Hang Up and Listen" talks Handball

Stefan Fatsis and his podcast mates Mike Pesca and Josh Levin briefly talk about Handball in their most recent “Hang up and listen” podcast. During the 3rd topic on their irreverent sports podcast they start off discussing ESPN’s broadcast of the “Hardbat” ping pong tournament this past Sunday. Naturally, the discussion turns to a sport more worthy of ESPN broadcasting.

Stefan is a strong backer of Team Handball, but I’ve chastised him for getting his melons mixed up. As every true Handball aficionado knows, the cantaloupe is the official melon of Team Handball due to its size and weight. A watermelon while tastier is too large and oval shaped.

Amusing 2 degrees of separation (who needs 6 with Team Handball)
– The former Executive Director of USA Team Handball, Mike Cavanaugh, is now the CEO of USA Table Tennis. OK, Hardbat is a bastardization of table tennis, but I’m sure Mike’s not complaining about the exposure.
– Keep listening for a few minutes after the Handball discussion and you’ll hear Mike Pesca do an end of show take on the scandals plaguing SUNY Binghamton basketball. Coincidentally, this is where USA National Team Handball blogger Jordan Fithian played hoops, although he claims not to have been a part of the problem

Slate Hang up and Listen Podcast page:
Slate Hang up and Listen Podcast download: (The Hardbat discussion begins at 26:50 and the brief Handball discussion is at 31:00)
Jordan Fithian’s Blog: