USA Team Handball (USATH) General Manager, Steve Pastorino, has informed Team Handball News that the U.S. Olympic Committee has dramatically cut funding support to Team Handball and several other Summer Olympic sports. As a direct result of this reduced funding East Regional Director, Dominique Dumont and West Regional Director, Brian Finley have been let go and that further restructuring may be necessary.
The level of USOC funding support for 2011 has not been released, but based on personnel moves it is likely that it is substantially less than what was provided last year. According to an earlier interview with USATH, USOC funding in 2010 was approximately $260,000, or approximately 30% of their $800,000 operating revenue. USOC funding support in 2010 was nearly double 2009 ($140,000) and USATH had been hopeful that the 2011 support line would increase and start to align with USOC support provide to other NGB’s. Clearly this has not happened.
As we learn more about this restructuring we will provide more information.
THN (5 Oct 10): Interview: USA Team Handball General Manager, Steve Pastorino: Part 4: Federation Organization and Financial Status: