Checking in.

Oh yesss… The fresh smell of autumn is in the air. As in the … season, of course.
Well, maybe not so much in Houston, where we are blessed with 90 plus degrees temperatures year round and 110% humidity, but my guess is that those of you north of the Mason-Dixon line, are begining to savour the change of seasons.

For years now, fall has witnessed, among so many other things, the yearly coming out party for all things team handball in the US. Clubs will typically come out of their summer-long hibernation, looking to get back in the gym, in time to prepare for those great US tournaments.

On a personal note, I have had a wonderful summer, thanks for asking.

From what I've been reading, everybody in the US handball community kept plugging away, [u]seemingly[/u] building for the future (wink, wink!). Let's see:
– I dig the new Federation's website. Love the new setup. The regional coaches/directors "updates" are oh, so very cute. Timely and full of fluff.
– John Ryan's team handball manifestos are just so much fun to read.
– Did I just read somewhere that our dear US Handball Federation is now asking for money from the USOC? Say it isn't so! It's a good thing these guys don't run for political office. Truth is overrated.
– Is Rex's Colorado Springs handball club getting all the perks just because they're in the USOC's backyard? Just asking.
– Poland vs. Germany in Chicago next year? Awesome. I am buying my ticket.
– North American Handball Federation – if that is the only legacy the current US Federation leaves behind, I say go for it. Bring on Greenland. And, of course, watch your backs. PATHC will be out for blood. Losing revenue ain't cool. To them.
– The Olympic Network is DEAD. Shocker!
– So, [link=,olympic-report-2016-finalists-090209.stng]the Chicago Olympic bid is shaky[/link] – not the kind of news you would expect a month before the official selection process. My pick is still Rio.

Good to be back! Thanks for all your emails. So you know, this summer I received over 150 of them(I got one from Mongolia!!!). Should make for an interesting "From the mailbag" feature.

As always, stay tuned. I have two great interviews for you — coming up.