EHF EURO 2020 Main Round Group II Scenarios (UPDATE)

The final day of Main Round Group play for 2020 European Men’s Handball Championships is tomorrow and there are multiple scenarios impacting both the semifinals and slots for Olympic Qualification Tournaments. Here are the 27 top level scenarios based on the 3 matches to be played.

The first match of the day is Portugal vs Hungary and the following 3 charts reflect the 3 outcomes of that match (Portugal Win; Hungary Win and Draw). Then based on the outcome of that match 2 of the 3 big charts are eliminated. The 2nd match is Norway vs Slovenia and based on that match’s result 6 more accounts are eliminated. And, then for the final match there are only 3 possibilities left.

A few notes on semifinal qualification and slots for Olympic Qualification Tournaments

  • Norway and Slovenia have qualified for the semifinals
  • Europe has 2 slots for Olympic Qualification Tournaments. Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal, Iceland are eligible for these slots from Group II; Belarus and Austria are eligible in Group I.
  • Croatia, Spain and German (Group I) and Norway and Sweden (Group II) are not eligible for these slots since they already have earned slots from the World Championships
  • Whoever qualifies for the semifinals (Slovenia or Hungary) will receive the Europe 2 slot if they don’t win the tournament. The Europe 3 slot will then go the Main Round Group II team that finishes 3rd. (Germany will finish 3rd in Main Round Group I)
  • If Slovenia wins the European Championship the Europe 2 slot will go the Main Round Group II team that finishes 3rd (Portugal). The Europe 3 slot will then likely be awarded to the Main Round Group II team that finishes 4th (Hungary). This is likely because the 4th place teams in Main Round Group I (either Belarus or Austria) are way behind in goal differential. If, however, Sweden places 4th in Main Round Group II, the winner of the Belarus-Austria will secure the Europe 3 slot.
  • In the chart above the nation in Green will receive either the Europe 2 or Europe 3 slot. If Slovenia wins the Championship, the nation in Blue will receive the Europe 3 slot. If Sweden finishes 4th (depicted in Orange) than either Belarus or Austria will get the Europe 3 slot.
  • More detail on Olympic Qualification Tournaments: Link
  • Details for 3 team ties are provided below.