
USA Handball Talk (Episode 13): D-3 Athletes are Athletes, Too

We chat about professional indoor lacrosse, the upcoming Ohio State spring break trip to Hungary and some more discussion on scholarship sports and what the talent level of the U.S. men is compared to collegiate basketball

Here are some topics and links to what was discussed:

  • According to this National League Lacrosse Statistics website the attendance for the Saskatchewan Rush – Colorado Mammoth match was 10,449. I think the only pro handball club in the world that regularly beats that match attendance is Kiel. And, indoor lacrosses is a pretty minor sport in the U.S….
  • Box Lacrosse GK: Wikipeida with photo
  • A philosopical discussion on the goal dimensions for handball and other sports with a goal keeper
  • Bandy: Wikipedia USA Bandy (An actual team sport with an even smaller USA profile)
  • Lufthansa Strike: Link
  • Moneyball Handball:  Commentary and analysis regarding how USA Team Handball should apply “Money Ball” like tactics to identify and recruit athletes for its National Teams  (November  – December 2013)
    • Part 1: Broad Categories for Athlete Identification: Link
    • Part 2: Pushing the Outside of the Recruiting Envelope: Link
    • Part 3: USA Team Handball Recruiting (Past, Present and Future): Time for a Change in Mindset: Link
  • Grinnell College Basketball: Wikipedia
  • How long would it have taken one of the all time great USA Center Backs (Bob Djokovich) to get to Ian Hueter’s level?: Bob Djokovich (Wikipedia)
  • Athletes that NCAA D1 recruiters missed: Dalton Knecht Derrick White
  • Commentary with USA Team Handball quote to start focus on former NCAA athlete recruitment: Link
  • If the current U.S. Men’s handball played basketball as their chosen sport where would they land on the NCAA talent scale.

And, sorry for the technical difficulties…

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If you have any suggestions for future topics, a title for our podcast or have some intro music you would like us to consider please let us know on social media.

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And, be sure to check out the podcast archive with interviews and great handball discussion going all the way back to 2006: Link